who we work with
we buy from
More specifically we can list these people and call them by their name. As presented in our Buyout sections, we buy from:
Thrift Stores
Estate Sales
Media Stores
Non Profit Thrifts, Individuals, Libraries, And Those with alot of stuff!
If you represent a thrift store and have the ability to negotiate deals for bulk media sales you are in the exact right place.
We are looking for individuals and businesses who have a large amount of media. We want to work with those entities who are in a place where they are ready to have their excess donations or collections hauled off.
we work with:
As portrayed in our Fundraising section, with organizations in search of fundraising like:
- Churches
- Sports Teams
- Schools

we donate to:
Anyone who might need or want it such as:
- Youth groups
- Community centers
- Local shelters
- Children´s Hospitals
- Elderly Homes
*Plus we work with as many variations, combinations or similes to the above as possible!