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Giveaway Winner 20 Movie Box – Choose Your Genre and number of DVDs!


Congrats on winning our DVD giveaway box of 20 movies! Our boxes are packed to the brim with A+ Titles you love or soon will love. We offer the ability to choose the genre of your box. Our genres of DVDs include; Action & Suspense, Comedy & Romance, or Kids & Family. By purchasing this box you are helping our business fulfill its goal of keeping used media out of landfills and giving them another life!

Our selection includes box choices of

[Children’s / Family / Animation]
[Action / Suspense / Thriller / Horror / SciFi]
[Romance / Comedy / Musical / History / Adventure]
[Mix of everything!]

Each size of DVDs will contain extra DVDs just incase any DVDs are damaged

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    Please feel free to tell us anything about the movies you would like to receive. What genres you like, how you'd like us to mix it up, etc. We will do our best to accommodate your requests.

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